5V7TH 2013 QTH:

Radio Schack in the Hotel room...with a view on my Hexbeam

Antenna building:

The animal is not real.

30/40 meter vertical against a palmthree

Electric worker next to the Hotel..

5V7TH on the local market place...

Togo city traffic, CARS= 2ehand EU import Moto=Chinese new import

Togo inland traffic

5V7TH and XYL (Cendy)...

5V7TH 2012 QTH :
10 meter band 5V7TH PILE UP on the dxpedions operator side
For this recording on the speaker ! No headphone !
First day, just one antenna up, 30 meter band vertikal with groundradials:

2nd day Hex beam assembling:

Afther permision from the Hotel managment, i was allowed to put up the antenna.
They asked permission from the local Police !
Assembling the 6-band hex beam

Made a hole in the ground to support the mast with 6 -band hex beam,or vertikal

Support from my girlfriend Cendy, she has come with me to Togo:

6-Band Hex beam in the Hotel garden, qrv in 35 minutes:


We stay in Hotel Safari, (+-) 25 km from capital Lomé:

"dry foot" boat taxi over "Le Lac TogoVille":


1,5km distance from our Hotel!

Afrika made lamp, source of frequently power cuts when it's raining:

Visit to big city Lomé with my Togolaise guide and friend Clement:

With my girlfriend Cendy in Togo's capital city Lomé:


Local Girls with "le blanche"

Good Kitchen !

crazy local drivers:
