Operator: ON6DX
Icom IC-7100,
6-band G3TXQ Broadband hexbeam
(made by MW0JZE - G3TXQ Hexbeam Ultra Lightweight D-HEXpedition Portable Hexbeam)
Home made verticals for 30&40m, 1Kfa New Expert
MicroHAM Micro-Keyer RTTY-CW
Wintest logging program.
Operating Frequenties and Modes :
Band |
CW |
6 m |
50.120 |
up 5 |
50.100 |
up |
50.200 |
up 1-5 |
40m |
7.070 |
7.195 |
7.000 |
up |
7.042 |
Up 1-5 |
30m |
------- |
-- |
10.103 |
up |
10.142 |
Up 1-5 |
20m |
14.190 |
Up 5-10 |
14.000 |
up |
14.082 |
Up 1-5 |
17m |
18.132 |
Up 5-10 |
18.068 |
up |
18.102 |
Up 1-5 |
15m |
21.292 |
Up 5-10 |
21.000 |
up |
21.082 |
Up 1-5 |
12m |
24.972 |
Up 5-10 |
24.890 |
up |
24.922 |
Up 1-5 |
10m |
28.492 |
Up 5-10 |
28.025 |
up |
28.090 |
Up 5-10 ! |
Changes on this plan depends on other dxpeditions, and qrm.

Important: in SSB, Please call me ONLY with the INTERNATIONAL SPELLING CODE
That means Alfa,bravo,chralie,delta,echo,foxtrot,golf,hotel,india,julliet,kilo,lima,mike,november,oscar,papa,etc..
This is much easier to copy for me in the pile up !
7/01/2016 : Arrival date in Togo 9 februari 2016 in Lomé, Togo Start dxpedition Date: +-10 feb Untill +-22 feb 2015 Exact end date not shure yet Callsign 5V7TH (qsl via ON6DX) One operator dxped qrv Local morning and evening times.
OLDER NEWS: 27/12/2013:
New 2013 qsl's are beiing handled and shipped out januari 2014.
I now have also become my TY1TT callsign wich i wil be using in Benin beginning of 2014.
15 November 2013:
5V7TH and TY1 dxpedition are the first dxpeditions were as donations are possible in BITCOIN !
Check: www.weusecoins.com/en/
Or check on youtube movie: http://youtu.be/_4QFErOdTag
And yes: if it was possible on clublog i also accepted it for qsl requests.
Why can i accept BitCoin?
Because i use this independant money for other service, and much safer than any other currency.
Everybody should use it, and the world would be a better safer place.
Read about Bitcoins! www.cnbc.com/id/101200996

11 oktober 2013:
I am returning to togo 18 november 2013 and try to be actif on evenings on 30 & 40 m rtty,cw and ssb with callsign 5V7TH.
During the day i will travelling to Cotenou, Benin, to collect my TY1 callsign papers, wich seems to be ready according my friend Clement in Togo.
I found a nice qth in (Benin) for my TY1 dx-pedition and move from Togo to Benin by taxi when i have my TY1 callsign papers official ready and in my hands.
if everthing is going according my plans, i will be in Benin from 20 november untill 3 december on 40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 ssb/cw/rtty
10/december 2012:
QSL card is ready! qsl beiing processed.


5/november/2013: just added one more day to the dxpedition date.
6/november 12:00h ==> 5V7TH go QRT, pack the gear and go home to ON.
2/november/2012: a PIRAT was actif with 5v7th callsign on 14.005 CW +- 22:30 utc. It was not me.
RTTY contacts at that time 14.085 mhz are OK , that was de real 5v7th.
30/oktober/2012: bad prop here, will try to put up 30 m vertical antenna again.
I notice when there's no rainfall for +- 8 hours, i get static qrm from seawater salt on bad powerlines everywere! my qth is just 800 meter from the sea.
29/okctober/2012: worked several S-EU and S.A stations on six meters, +- 2000 qso's in log.
27/1oktober/2012: 6-Band hex beam is up. qrv on 20/17/15/12/10/6 meter band.
Hotel managment thinks i need apporval from local police to set up antenna (hex beam).
Fingers crossed, and payed a visit to the local police for permission: Got the permission !
26/oktober/2012: I try to set up the antenna's, but only 30 m wire anntenna possible for now.
qrv in the afternoon, but probaly at the evening time.
25/oktober/2012: arrived local time 19:30 @ airport, Lomé, Togo.
Customs/douane problems took me more than 1 hour and 30 euro's fee for customs!
Arrived 23:00h @ the Hotel, 25 km from capital Lomé.

